SEO Case Study: How Day Translations Skyrocketed Its Online Presence

Ranking Improvements

Ranking Improvements

Ranking Improvements

Day Translations is a professional translation and interpreting company offering a wide array of linguistic services globally. Their commitment to accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and prompt delivery has made them a trusted partner in the language services industry. However, despite their exceptional service offerings, Day Translations faced a significant challenge in the digital landscape.

The Challenge

The primary hurdle for Day Translations was a noticeable decline in website traffic and a drop in keyword rankings. This downturn not only affected their online visibility but also raised concerns about potential impacts on client acquisition and business growth.

The Strategy

To counter these challenges, a multifaceted SEO campaign was launched, focusing on:

Keyword Research: Emphasis was placed on identifying and targeting high-conversion keywords, relevant to the core services of Day Translations.

Content Strategy: The development of engaging, informative content aimed at addressing client queries and showcasing industry expertise.

On-Page Optimization: Enhancements to website elements, including meta tags, headers, and images, to improve relevance and user experience.

Technical SEO: Addressing website speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawl errors to boost search engine rankings.

Link Building Campaign: Strategically acquiring high-quality backlinks to enhance domain authority and online credibility.
Internal Links Optimization: Improving the internal linking structure to facilitate easier navigation and distribution of page authority throughout the site.

The Results

The campaign yielded remarkable results:
Traffic Increase: The monthly website traffic escalated from 49,612 in August 2021 to 137,591 by April 2022, showcasing an impressive growth in digital reach.


Keyword Ranking Improvement: A substantial improvement in keyword rankings was witnessed, with the number of keywords ranked in the Top 3 surging from 1,153 in August 2021 to 2,710 by April 2022.


The strategic SEO campaign for Day Translations led to a significant turnaround in their digital presence. The increase in traffic and keyword rankings not only enhanced their online visibility but also positioned them as a leading player in the language services sector. This case study demonstrates the transformative power of a well-executed SEO strategy in the competitive digital world.

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Sean Hopwood